Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/components/yunohost/admin/changes/?format=api&page=766
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 40609,
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    "results": [
            "unit": null,
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            "translation": "",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-09-04T21:02:07.524891Z",
            "action": 17,
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            "id": 17241,
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-04T12:55:52.312110Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-02T16:34:34.636813Z",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-02T15:51:36.724768Z",
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            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:48.366368Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "配置",
            "id": 17164,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:42.596961Z",
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            "id": 17163,
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:40.228573Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "id": 17162,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:36.281409Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "id": 17161,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:29.113428Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "同时",
            "id": 17160,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:25.510164Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "开始",
            "id": 17159,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:56:02.529040Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "新备份",
            "id": 17155,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
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            "user": "",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:55:58.323007Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "创建一个备份",
            "id": 17154,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:55:50.533985Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "action_name": "Translation added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:55:38.794511Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "id": 17152,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
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            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:55:35.057692Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "备份",
            "id": 17151,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:55:17.549430Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "应用程序",
            "id": 17150,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:53:38.944644Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "设为默认",
            "id": 17145,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:53:24.607441Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "manifest.json文件不存在",
            "id": 17144,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T20:52:48.700445Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "删除此应用程序。",
            "id": 17142,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T16:19:08.647893Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "重定向域根到这个应用(%s)。",
            "id": 17126,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T16:16:09.528828Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "取消忽略",
            "id": 17122,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T16:15:50.286196Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "最近一次运行:",
            "id": 17121,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:49:51.783572Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Purger les données de l'utilisateur %s ? (Cela supprimera le contenu de ses dossiers et répertoires dans home et courriel.)",
            "id": 17042,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:49:29.657525Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "La fonctionnalité de diagnostic va tenter de trouver certains problèmes communs sur différents aspects de votre serveur pour être sûr que tout fonctionne normalement. Le diagnostic sera également effectué deux fois par jour et enverra un courriel à l'administrateur si des erreurs sont détectées. À noter que certains tests ne seront pas montrés si vous n'utilisez pas certaines fonctions spécifiques (XMPP, par exemple) ou s'ils échouent à cause d'une configuration trop complexe. Dans ce cas, et si vous savez ce que vous avez modifié, vous pouvez ignorer les problèmes et les avertissements correspondantes.",
            "id": 17041,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:49:13.338707Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "La fonctionnalité de diagnostic va tenter de trouver certains problèmes communs sur différents aspects de votre serveur pour être sûr que tout fonctionne normalement. Merci de ne pas paniquer si vous voyez une multitude d'erreurs après avoir configuré votre serveur : la fonctionnalité est précisément prévue pour les identifier et vous aider à les résoudre. Le diagnostic sera également effectué deux fois par jour et enverra un courriel à l'administrateur si des erreurs sont détectées.",
            "id": 17040,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:40:59.488790Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "Seulement les applications de bonne qualité",
            "id": 17037,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:40:14.801071Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "Les courriels au format brut sont stockés sur le serveur",
            "id": 17036,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:38:21.456378Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Le serveur a fermé la connexion au lieu d’y répondre. Est-ce que nginx ou l'API YunoHost aurait été redémarré ou arrêté ? (code/message d’erreur : %s)",
            "id": 17035,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:37:45.848158Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "ATTENTION! L’installation d’applications tierces peut compromettre l’intégrité et la sécurité de votre système. Vous ne devriez probablement PAS l’installer si vous ne savez pas ce que vous faites. Prenez-vous ce risque ?",
            "id": 17034,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T12:32:29.353092Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "Le/La responsable de cette application à déclaré(e) que l'application suivante n'est pas encore prête à être utilisée en production. SOYEZ VIGILANT(E)",
            "id": 17033,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:56:31.294789Z",
            "action": 7,
            "target": "Der Server hat die Verbindung geschlossen, anstatt sie zu beantworten. Wurde nginx oder die yunohost-api aus irgendeinem Grund neu gestartet oder gestoppt? (Fehlercode/Meldung: %s)",
            "id": 16997,
            "action_name": "Suggestion accepted",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:52:12.690185Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Es gibt einige ausstehende Migrationen, die darauf warten, ausgeführt zu werden. Bitte gehen Sie auf  <a href='#/tools/migrations'>Werkzeuge > Migrationen</a> um diese auszuführen.",
            "id": 16995,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:47:55.771378Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Die Operation ist fehlgeschlagen! Das tut uns leid :( Sie können Sich <a href=''>hier Hilfe holen</a>. Bitte stellen Sie *die ganzen Logs* der Operation bereit, damit Ihnen besser geholfen werden kann. Dies tun Sie, indem Sie auf den grünen 'mit Yunopaste teilen' Knopf drücken. Wenn Sie die Logs teilen, wird Yunohost automatisch versuchen Ihre privaten Daten wie Domainnamen und IP's zu anonymisieren.",
            "id": 16994,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:42:35.658426Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Die Diagnosefunktion wird versuchen, gängige Probleme in verschiedenen Teilen Ihres Servers zu finden. Bitte werden Sie nicht panisch, wenn Sie ein paar Fehlermeldungen sehen, nachdem Sie Ihren Server aufgesetzt haben: Es soll Ihnen hauptsächlich helfen, Probleme zu identifizieren und Tipps für Lösungen zu zeigen. Die Diagnose wird auch automatisch zweimal täglich ausgeführt. Falls Fehler gefunden werden, bekommt der Administrator eine E-Mail.",
            "id": 16993,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:35:30.707091Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Alle Applikationen sind auf dem neuesten Stand!",
            "id": 16992,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-01T11:35:30.558949Z",
            "action": 45,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16991,
            "action_name": "Contributor joined",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-08-15T13:38:33.117656Z",
            "action": 0,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16826,
            "action_name": "Resource updated",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": null,
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-08-15T13:38:32.791434Z",
            "action": 21,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16825,
            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": null,
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-08-15T13:36:57.904750Z",
            "action": 21,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16824,
            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": null,
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-08-15T13:36:56.496294Z",
            "action": 21,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16823,
            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-08-09T14:33:20.173102Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Der Server hat die Verbindung geschlossen, anstatt sie zu beantworten. Wurde nginx oder die yunohost-api aus irgendeinem Grund neu gestartet oder gestoppt? (Fehlercode/Meldung: %s)",
            "id": 16756,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-08-09T14:32:58.664071Z",
            "action": 4,
            "target": "Die Diagnosefunktion versucht, häufige Probleme in den verschiedenen Bereichen Ihres Servers zu identifizieren, um sicherzustellen, dass alles reibungslos läuft. Bitte geraten Sie nicht in Panik, wenn Sie direkt nach dem Einrichten Ihres Servers einen Haufen Fehler sehen: es soll Ihnen genau dabei helfen, Probleme zu identifizieren und Sie zur Behebung dieser Probleme anleiten. Die Diagnose läuft auch automatisch zweimal täglich, und wenn Probleme gefunden werden, wird eine E-Mail an den Administrator geschickt.",
            "id": 16755,
            "action_name": "Suggestion added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2020-07-28T18:12:56.421280Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Lo servidor a tampat la connexion allòc de respondre. Nginx o yunohost-api es estat relançat o arrestat per error ? (Còdi d’error/messatge : %s)",
            "id": 16744,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": null,
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T15:39:22.631525Z",
            "action": 21,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16687,
            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T14:00:25.284594Z",
            "action": 0,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16683,
            "action_name": "Resource updated",
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            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T14:00:10.736712Z",
            "action": 21,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16682,
            "action_name": "Repository rebased",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": null,
            "user": "",
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T13:50:11.275561Z",
            "action": 18,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16678,
            "action_name": "Changes pushed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
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            "translation": null,
            "user": "",
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            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T13:49:59.099563Z",
            "action": 18,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16676,
            "action_name": "Changes pushed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
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            "translation": null,
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T13:49:47.894534Z",
            "action": 18,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16674,
            "action_name": "Changes pushed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2020-07-27T13:49:37.134944Z",
            "action": 17,
            "target": "",
            "id": 16673,
            "action_name": "Changes committed",
            "url": ""