Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/yunohost/admin/fr/changes/?format=api&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1218,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T04:27:09.031314Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "La fonctionnalité de diagnostic va tenter de trouver certains problèmes communs sur différents aspects de votre serveur pour être sûr que tout fonctionne normalement. Le diagnostic sera également effectué deux fois par jour et enverra un courriel au compte administrateur si des erreurs sont détectées. À noter que certains tests ne seront pas montrés si vous n'utilisez pas certaines fonctions spécifiques (XMPP, par exemple) ou s'ils échouent à cause d'une configuration trop complexe. Dans ce cas, et si vous savez ce que vous avez modifié, vous pouvez ignorer les problèmes et les avertissements correspondantes.",
            "id": 133007,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T04:26:49.104715Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Documentation officielle d'administration",
            "id": 133006,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T04:26:35.831118Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Documentation d'administration",
            "id": 133005,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T04:14:27.606902Z",
            "action": 17,
            "target": "",
            "id": 132987,
            "action_name": "Changes committed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:28:41.995651Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Documentation officielle d'utilisation",
            "id": 132985,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:27:18.215264Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Il s'agit du nom affiché dans le portail d'utilisation de YunoHost. Il peut être modifié ultérieurement.",
            "id": 132983,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:26:42.764551Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Ce compte se verra accorder des privilèges d'administration et sera autorisé à se connecter à cette interface d'administration ainsi que directement au serveur via SSH.\nComme il s'agit d'un compte normal, il pourra également se connecter au portail YunoHost (SSO) avec ses informations d'identification.\nUne fois la post-installation terminée, vous pourrez créer d'autres comptes d'administration en les ajoutant au groupe 'admins'.",
            "id": 132982,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:25:49.276993Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Visible en tuile dans le portail YunoHost",
            "id": 132981,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:25:08.325434Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Portail",
            "id": 132979,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:16:02.588758Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Autorisations pour des comptes individuels",
            "id": 132942,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:15:24.547974Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Mot de passe ou nom de compte erroné",
            "id": 132941,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:15:16.434826Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Aucun compte.",
            "id": 132940,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:15:11.451187Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Nouveau compte",
            "id": 132939,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:15:05.789783Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Si coché, tous les comptes existants contenus dans le fichier CSV seront mis à jour avec les nouvelles valeurs",
            "id": 132938,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:14:58.966677Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Mettre à jour les comptes existants",
            "id": 132937,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:14:41.798113Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Supprimer les comptes non répertoriés",
            "id": 132936,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:14:36.207839Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Si coché, tous les comptes existants qui ne sont pas dans le fichier CSV seront supprimés (et purgés).",
            "id": 132935,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:14:27.433651Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Supprimer les comptes non répertoriés",
            "id": 132934,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:14:22.003552Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Le fichier CSV doit être au format UTF-8 et avec les colonnes nom de compte, mot de passe, groupes, email et quota. Pour un exemple d'importation de fichier CSV, vous pouvez <a href='/yunohost/api/users/export' target='_BLANK'>exporter vos comptes dans un fichier CSV</a> et modifier le fichier.",
            "id": 132933,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:57.078687Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les comptes qui ne sont pas présents dans ce fichier ?",
            "id": 132932,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:49.743493Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Importer des comptes",
            "id": 132931,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:45.356228Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Exporter les comptes",
            "id": 132930,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:40.325165Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Comptes",
            "id": 132929,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:35.081157Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Nom de compte",
            "id": 132928,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:13:01.207953Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Les comptes sont créés avec une adresse email associée (et un compte XMPP) au format username@domain.tld. Des alias d'email et des transferts d'emails supplémentaires peuvent être ajoutés ultérieurement par les personnes administrant le serveur ainsi celles ayant accès au compte lui même.",
            "id": 132927,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:10:52.781248Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "La purge des données de compte est irréversible. Assurez-vous de savoir ce que vous faites !",
            "id": 132926,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:10:34.549701Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Purger les données du compte {name} ? (Cela supprimera ses e-mails et le contenu de son dossier personnel)",
            "id": 132925,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:10:22.651441Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Il s'agit du premier nom de domaine lié à votre serveur YunoHost. C'est également celui qui servira pour le portail d'authentification. Il sera donc visible pour tout le monde, choisissez-le avec soin.",
            "id": 132924,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:09:49.716980Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Création du premier compte (administrateur)",
            "id": 132923,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:09:37.155513Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Ce compte se verra accorder des privilèges d'administration et sera autorisé à se connecter à cette interface d'administration ainsi que directement au serveur via SSH.\nComme il s'agit d'un compte normal, vous pourrez également vous connecter au portail utilisateur (SSO) avec ses informations d'identification.\nUne fois la post-installation terminée, vous pourrez créer d'autres comptes administrateurs en les ajoutant au groupe 'admins'.",
            "id": 132922,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:08:51.130720Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Gérer les comptes",
            "id": 132921,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:08:31.618949Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "aucun compte | compte | {c} comptes",
            "id": 132920,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:08:01.008589Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Mettre à jour le compte '{name}'",
            "id": 132919,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:54.901958Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Supprimer le compte '{name}'",
            "id": 132918,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:46.392070Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Créer le compte '{name}'",
            "id": 132917,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:38.764415Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Configurations des salons et des comptes, fichiers téléversés",
            "id": 132916,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:27.004242Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Données comptes situées dans /home/USER",
            "id": 132915,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:21.322998Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Données des comptes",
            "id": 132914,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:07:15.939477Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Annuaire des comptes",
            "id": 132913,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:06:59.539136Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Ceci est un groupe spécial contenant tous les comptes des personnes inscrites sur le serveur",
            "id": 132912,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:06:42.899017Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Il s'agit d'un groupe spécial correspondant aux comptes dits administrateurs. Les comptes affectés à ce groupe ont, pour faire simple, tous les droits sur le serveur (modification, création, ajout et suppression). Ils peuvent donc accéder à l'administration en ligne de YunoHost (panel web), se connecter au serveur avec SSH et utiliser la commande `sudo`. Ils recevront également les courriels envoyés à root@, admin@, admins@, tels que les notifications de diagnostic. Vous ne devriez ajouter dans ce groupe que des comptes de personnes en qui vous avez absolument confiance !",
            "id": 132911,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:05:59.110595Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Tous les comptes",
            "id": 132910,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:05:52.812929Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Créer un compte",
            "id": 132909,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:05:45.024004Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Vous êtes sur le point de définir un nouveau mot de passe. Le mot de passe doit comporter au moins 8 caractères, bien qu'il soit recommandé d'utiliser un mot de passe plus long (c'est-à-dire une phrase secrète) et/ou une combinaison de caractères (majuscules, minuscules, chiffres et caractères spéciaux).",
            "id": 132908,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:05:34.386007Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Le compte '{value}' existe déjà.",
            "id": 132907,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:05:26.992211Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Le domaine par défaut est le domaine à partir duquel les personnes doivent se connecter.",
            "id": 132906,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:04:39.648759Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Le domaine principal est le domaine à partir duquel les personnes peuvent se connecter au portail (via \"{domain}/yunohost/sso\").<br>Il n'est donc pas possible de le supprimer.<br>Si vous voulez supprimer \"{domain}\", vous devrez d'abord choisir ou ajouter un autre domaine et le définir comme domaine principal.",
            "id": 132905,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-09T03:04:25.991605Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Groupes / comptes actuellement autorisés à accéder à cette application :",
            "id": 132904,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2024-03-07T19:45:28.005073Z",
            "action": 17,
            "target": "",
            "id": 132863,
            "action_name": "Changes committed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-03-07T15:13:12.327093Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Échec de l'authentification sur l'API du registraire. Très probablement les <a href='#/domains/{domain}/config'>informations d'identification</a> sont incorrectes ? (Erreur : {error})",
            "id": 132853,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""