Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/yunohost/admin/ca/changes/?format=api&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 785,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:26:48.191967Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Administrador de Yunohost",
            "id": 123309,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:26:30.022067Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Contrasenya o nom d'usuari incorrecte",
            "id": 123308,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:26:16.638131Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Contrasenya o nom d'usuari incorrectes",
            "id": 123307,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:26:02.679094Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Vàlid",
            "id": 123306,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:25:53.702033Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": ", ",
            "id": 123305,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
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            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:25:43.399613Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Cap",
            "id": 123304,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:25:37.693916Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Vincle",
            "id": 123303,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:25:20.159595Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Col·lapsar",
            "id": 123302,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:24:42.506797Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Explora",
            "id": 123301,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:24:30.117697Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Si està marcat, tots els usuaris existents continguts al fitxer CSV s'actualitzaran amb el nou valor",
            "id": 123300,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:24:10.966985Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Actualitzar els usuaris existents",
            "id": 123299,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:23:56.933920Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Suprimir els usuaris no llistats",
            "id": 123298,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:23:38.797470Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Si està marcat, tots els usuaris existents que no es trobin al fitxer CSV se suprimiran (i es purgaran).",
            "id": 123297,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:22:50.481157Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Suprimir els usuaris que no figuren a la llista",
            "id": 123296,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:22:36.814167Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Suprimeix els usuaris que no figuren a la llista",
            "id": 123295,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:22:21.843338Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "El fitxer CSV ha d'estar en UTF-8 i amb columnes nom d'usuari, contrasenya, grups, correu electrònic i quota. Per a un exemple d'importació d'un fitxer CSV, podeu <a href='/yunohost/api/users/export' target='_BLANK'>exportar els vostres usuaris al fitxer CSV</a> i canviar el fitxer.",
            "id": 123294,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:21:27.042913Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Fitxer CSV",
            "id": 123293,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:21:13.063439Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Esteu segur que voleu suprimir els usuaris que no estan presents en aquest fitxer?",
            "id": 123292,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:20:57.665628Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Importar usuaris",
            "id": 123291,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:20:40.663112Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Exportar usuaris",
            "id": 123290,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:20:25.282287Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Afegeix un reenviament de correu",
            "id": 123289,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:20:09.333113Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Afegiu un àlies de correu",
            "id": 123288,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:19:56.921870Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Desconegut",
            "id": 123287,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:19:42.264765Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Rastrejar",
            "id": 123286,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:19:28.277409Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Configuració de YunoHost",
            "id": 123285,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:19:14.764934Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Configuració de Webadmin",
            "id": 123284,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:18:48.239470Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Animacions de transició de pàgina",
            "id": 123283,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:18:31.809226Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Canvia al mode fosc",
            "id": 123282,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:18:12.694386Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Idioma",
            "id": 123281,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:17:53.094205Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Llengua",
            "id": 123280,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:17:31.058436Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Idioma que s'utilitzarà en cas que la traducció no estigui disponible a l'idioma principal.",
            "id": 123279,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:17:08.589226Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Idioma alternatiu",
            "id": 123278,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:16:30.624781Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Et dóna accés a funcions experimentals. Es consideren inestables i poden trencar el vostre sistema.<br> Activeu-ho només si sabeu el que esteu fent.",
            "id": 123277,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:14:50.170042Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Modalitat experimental",
            "id": 123276,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:14:34.518720Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Penseu en desactivar la memòria cau si teniu previst treballar amb la CLI mentre navegueu per aquest Webadmin.",
            "id": 123275,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:13:05.117144Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Memòria cau",
            "id": 123274,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:12:50.784929Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "La selecció de text està desactivada. Si voleu compartir aquest registre, compartiu el registre *complet* amb el botó «Comparteix amb Yunopaste».<br/><small>O si realment voleu seleccionar text, premeu aquestes tecles: ↓↓↑↑.</small>",
            "id": 123273,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:11:33.966716Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Hi ha {items} que coincideixen amb els vostres criteris. | Hi ha 1 {items} que coincideix amb els vostres criteris. | Hi ha {items} que coincideixen amb els vostres criteris.",
            "id": 123272,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:10:40.975272Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Cerca {items}...",
            "id": 123271,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:10:28.072289Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Torna-ho a provar",
            "id": 123270,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:10:14.615244Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Llegiu-me",
            "id": 123269,
            "action_name": "Translation changed",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:09:51.941648Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Llig-me",
            "id": 123268,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:09:40.969852Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Estableix el domini principal",
            "id": 123267,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:09:27.824657Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Crea el primer usuari administrador",
            "id": 123266,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:09:06.624511Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Aquest usuari tindrà privilegis d'administrador i se li permetrà connectar-se a aquesta interfície d'administració i directament al servidor mitjançant SSH.\nCom que és un usuari normal, també us podreu connectar al portal d'usuaris (SSO) amb les seves credencials.\nUn cop finalitzada la postinstal·lació, podreu crear altres usuaris administradors afegint-los al grup «admins».",
            "id": 123265,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:06:23.287131Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Post-instal·lació",
            "id": 123264,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:06:05.900103Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Força la post-instal·lació",
            "id": 123263,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:05:51.315525Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "joanpetit",
            "id": 123262,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:05:41.355609Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Petit",
            "id": 123261,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2024-02-12T01:05:34.587769Z",
            "action": 5,
            "target": "Nom del meu grup",
            "id": 123260,
            "action_name": "Translation added",
            "url": ""